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Can I study Tantra without a partner?

Can I study Tantra without a partner?

You sure can! Tantra is actually a personal journey. Tantra is a technique to help us find our true divinity, our true self. Tantra help us let go of construct that society has built for us to live in. Help us removed judgement from what was taught to us by family, friends, and teachers.

Can Tantra fix my Relationship?

Can Tantra fix my Relationship?

Yes! But, Tantra is a two way street. It is best that both are on the same page for this to work. Now if you are fixing something going on with you, like past relationship issues, you could better yourself and make your relationship better.

Tantra gets to the core of who we are and teaches us how to connect in deep and nourishing ways. Tantra can help both partners explore a deeper connection. Tantra gives you a new understanding of love and connection, teaches you to be safe and trusting with each other.

Can I feel Sexual again?

Can I feel Sexual again?

Yes! As part of your healing  journey, feeling sexual and sensitive is a must. Most of us lost our self image through someone else's words or actions. For example, during intercourse, you did something and your partner, laughed at you or made you feel awkward, well that stays with you. You will always feel someone awkward when doing it again.

Tantra helps us heal inner wounds through self-love. We must acknowledged what happen, know it was not true, reprogram the experience. We don't ever forget our experiences, but we become stronger and more sensual.

Can Tantra heal my porn addiction?

Can Tantra heal my porn addiction?

Yes! I want you to go back and think about when this started. Most boys start watching porn at the age of 12. At this age they are starting to build an image of what sex is and is not. When sex does happen, it is not like those porn videos, so it ends up affecting ones relationship. Watching porn is not bad. You must first understand what is porn. Porn is entertainment, not love-making or having sex.

Tantra is about touch, closeness, and intercourse-nothing in comparison to porn. Learning and understanding this will help you desire and crave something else. 

Can I heal from sexual abuse?

Can I heal from sexual abuse?

Yes! Sexual abuse affects our ability to physically respond. This trauma is stored in the body. It is natural to lack desire for more sexual experience. This is a natural response to trauma and fear. 

With tantra we will learn to recognize there is trauma stored in the body. Tantra will help feel a true touch, the kind that stirs you deep inside and gives you a complete, divine experience. You will learn to trust again by breaking down the walls that you have built to protect yourself.

Can Tantra help with premature ejaculation?

Can Tantra help with premature ejaculation?

Yes! First key to this is RELAX. Tantra is all about relaxing. Tantra helps us become more peaceful in the mind. You must learn to control. Humans are designed to control their bodies. Learning to connecting with your penis and you choosing when to ejaculate.

Tantra helps you become present and focus. Tantra releases guilt and shame. Take a step back and remember that when you were a little boy, you would masturbate in the shower, you had to do it fast and in private. So you trained your ejaculation to be fast and built shame behind it because you had to do it in private.

Can Tantra help me have longer orgasms?

Can Tantra help me have longer orgasms?

Oh yeah baby! Tantra allows you to become a whole. Tantra allows you to connect with your body, mind, and spirit. The more you become present, the longer and stronger the orgasm. This is a process and should never be rushed. Love and be one with yourself.

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    • In the event that you are late to your appointment, your session will continue with the remainder of the time, and you will be charged for the session time that you have scheduled. This will help ensure the next scheduled client or therapist has the time that was reserved prior. If you are over 15 minutes late, you will be considered a no-show and will be charged a no-show fee of $25. 

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