Runes: Mannaz (man-az)
Mannaz is pronounced as (man-az)
Interpretation: humankind, awareness and independence
Magickal meaning: To gain assistance, increase memory and mental powers
Mannaz is a signal of self-awareness and conscientiousness

Mannaz represents:
Group of people surrounding the individual
Reference the ways in which that group perceives the individual in question
Friends are being made
Individual is giving a part of themselves for the greater good.
This Rune is more about the people surrounding the individual vs the individual himself.
People in the family or group is viewing how he/she preforms and how he/she is perceived
Mannaz reverse:
The individual must look within themselves before turning onward to family and friends.
Individual may be looking for healing though their community because they cannot be fixed from an outward source.
Practice self-reflection and meditation