How many inches can you lose with one session?
Typically, you can expect ¼ to 2 inches of fat loss after the first treatment. In some cases, clients can lose more than 2 inches after one treatment.
How Does it Work?
InstaSculpting tones the body using radio frequencies and low-frequency ultrasonic waves. These waves form bubbles around fat deposits under the skin. The bubbles then burst, breaking the fat deposits into the lymphatic systems, where they are drained.
Is there any downtime?
There is no downtime. We recommend that you work out within a few hours of the treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
Everyone is different. We offer a discounted Introductory session, which includes a consultation.
Do you offer payments?
*Vagaro pay in 4
*in-house financing.
*Cherry - apply here: http://pay.withcherry.com/rtb-spa
Can I share my package with family and friends?
Yes. We welcome you to give a session to your family and friends.
What happens if I need to cancel?
We require 48 hours of appointment time to be able to cancel/reschedule. You can reschedule up to two times. If you cancel without rescheduling, deposits are non-refundable.
Do you offer refunds?
Because our company offers anesthetic services, we do not offer refunds for services rendered. All sales are final. If you are no longer able to continue services, packages can be given to family and friends.
Diabetes 1&2 - Need Doctor's approval
High Cholesterol - Need Doctor's approval
Any previous or current diagnosed with cancer - not eligible for cavitation, request doctor's approval
Cavitation cannot be performed over breasts, heart, or lungs
If you are pregnant - we cannot offer our service at this time.
If breastfeeding - we recommend that you wait till your mommy time is done before applying any treatments.
Cardiovascular conditions - Need doctor's approval.
We cannot perform cavitation services on patients with pacemakers, CABG, AFib, SVT, DVT, or any other major cardiac impairments.
If you have open wounds, sores, blisters, burns, scabs, or rashes not caused by the treatment, we will skip over that area.
Vertigo - due to the vibrations, a person with vertigo can experience migraines or have an episode. It will be under the clients descration if they want to have the treatment and expose themselves to a possible episode or migraine.
Hyperthyroidism/Hypothyroidism or taking medication for thyroid disturbance - Need Doctor's approval - Cannot have RF or Ultrasonic.
Face Fillers - Cannot have RF/Ultrasonic over the face
Botox - you can use RF
What to expect?
Initial Visit:
Come in for a one-on-one consultation
Get body exam
Number of treatments recommended
Have your 1st session
Before and after photos
*Additional: Weight-Loss coaching
Packages start at $760 - Payment options available.
Come in comfortable clothing. Sessions are up to 60 minutes with consultations and photos.
Drink plenty of water before the session and after the session.